Intelligent management of small conflicts and transgressions
It is important to know that:
- Respect for oneself and others is one of the core values of LuckyKids International Summer Children’s Language Camp.
- In the event of small conflicts between children, the camp team applies various methods to resolve them, listening carefully to all parties involved.
- If necessary, a sanction that is proportionate to the offense and within reasonable limits may be imposed.
- The sanction necessarily provides for the correction of the consequences of unacceptable behaviour and may include depriving the child of attending a specific activity.
- If the camp manager considers that the offense is great and the child’s behaviour is contrary to the policy of the camp, he can impose the most severe sanction – early termination of stay and return home.
- When a violation is committed, the author of which remains unknown, collective punishment shall not be resorted to.
- Systematic violations of the established norms of behaviour can lead to a temporary change in the rules of life in the camp.
Responsible behaviour of the camp team

It is important to know that:
- The use of alcohol and cigarettes in the presence of children, during working hours and in the hotel premises used by the camp is strictly prohibited for the entire LuckyKids team.
- The members of the camp team are tolerant of differences and have no political, ideological or religious prejudices.
Control, monitoring and analysis
It is important to know that:
- The control over the activities of the LuckyKids International Children’s Language Camp is carried out through daily monitoring and preparation of written reports by the camp manager.
- Any incidents or irregularities identified by the camp team are reported immediately to the manager, who takes care of their immediate elimination.
- Every incident that occurs is thoroughly investigated and analyzed in order to improve future practices in the camp.
- Parents / guardians of camp children, teachers, animators and hotel staff are invited to complete a questionnaire in which they can share their opinion about the camp.
- The surveys are subject to in-depth analysis in order to improve the overall organization of the activity.
Facilitated communication with parents

Note that the:
- The manager of LuckyKids International Children’s Language Camp ensures that every child has the opportunity to communicate with their family by phone.
- Campers have access to their mobile devices every night from 20:30 to 22:00.
- If necessary, children can ask to contact their parents at other times, and for this purpose it is necessary to ask permission from a member of the camp team, who will assess whether it is necessary.
- Parents have a telephone number where they can contact the camp manager at any time to obtain information about their child / children.
Alcohol, cigarettes, illicit substances
Regarding them, it is important to know that:
- The program of the International Children’s Language Camp LuckyKids is controlled and tailored to the age of the participants, and all activities are carried out in sites without the consumption of alcohol, cigarettes and other harmful substances.
- Camp children are not allowed to visit establishments with alcohol, cigarettes and other harmful substances.
- The LuckyKids team monitors compliance with the ban, including monitoring restrictions on campers’ access to the hotel bar.
- The use of alcohol, cigarettes, narcotics, drugs and other substances prohibited by law is strictly prohibited on the territory of the aparthotel Lucky Bansko SPA & Relax, including in all rooms used by children.
IMPORTANT! If alcohol, cigarettes and / or illicit substances are detected in any of the children, the camp manager may terminate his / her stay in the camp, as well as inform the competent authorities.
From March 30 to April 5
From June 22 to August 30
Daily activities in the mountains
Teachers with native English
4 hours of interactive English language instruction